« on: January 15, 2012, 09:49:34 pm »
Like the title says, how do you break in your motors, I wont post my twostroke info here because we dont have twostroke classes, if you want it pm me.
as far as me and 4 strokes, i havnt built to many yet, but regardless my theory in breaking my motor in goes like this. when assembling check everything ALOT of times, clearances, ring gap rod tollerence etc all of it. put real cheap lightweight oil in it and spin it by hand and if aplicable rotate the motor. then drain the oil, this will remove most stray particles. then run a good lightweight oil or breakin oil and start the motor up for about 5 minuetes and let it idle. while idleing check for leaks throught out tthe whole motor. once the motor gets warm, shut it off and allow time for it to cool, while cooling change your oil and run what your going to run everyday, now this time start it up and ride the thing like your going to ride it at all times, so what i mean in lawnmower racing is get in race gear and get to wot and let the motor do all the decelration, in short this will cause pressure to seat your rings closer to your cylinder walls than slowly building up the rpm, and what this dos is allows your rings to hold more pressure and not cause as much blow by due to poorly set rings. The first about 20 minutes in a motors life is one of the most critical in how its going to run is what I've been told. this is just my theory dont bash me for it, if you want to post your way up Please do so, if you dont like my way state why, i find breaking a motor in the most controvercial part of building a motor, every one does it a different way and know one knows what the "best" way is.