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Topics - Upgrade302

Pages: [1]
Tecumseh Engines / 10 HP issues
« on: August 27, 2006, 12:37:01 pm »
I have a 10hp tecumseh on a craftsman rear engine rider that is giving me fits.  Right now it will start and idle great with the throttle down on slow.  When I crank it up it runs ragged with black smoke and once it warms up it won't idle down.  I looked at Jamie guy3's post and we share a lot of the same issues with some differences.  I have replaced the governor gear and spool in the motor.  I also rebuilt the carb.  My fuel bowl is metal.  I replaced the needles and gaskets and removed the plugs and cleaned behind them, replacing them with new ones.  I also replaced the white plug below the fuel needle as well as a new needle.  The float is the original with no leaks.  I have a lot of fuel running into the motor and mixing with the oil.  After I rebuilt the carb I set the screws to one turn out from snug.  It will also fluctuate while the mower is engaged and the machine is driving.  I will not maintain a running speed.  thanks.

Driveline / ID This transmission
« on: June 27, 2006, 04:46:26 pm »

This is the top view

I was on a Massey Ferguson that was tucked away in a shed.  It seems to be a vertical drive transmission.  Its a 3 speed with reverse.

Bottom view

Driveline / Sticky Topic
« on: May 14, 2006, 11:24:58 am »
Was wondering if the admins could create another sticky, one that would help newbies identify transmissions and transaxels by sight.  They could post a listing of various types of transmissions and transaxels with thier corresponding model number and a brief list of the mowers that members or others found them in.

Briggs Flathead / Engine Wiring/Chassis Wiring Diagram
« on: May 10, 2006, 04:32:11 pm »
I have a question concerning the engine wiring.  I have an older Montgomery Ward 3 speed rider with a 10 hp engine.  I did a search and found the post with the B & S alternator diagrams and it helped a bit, but I need clarification.  I have stripped my mower of all the mowing parts, headlights and all the related switches, etc.  Now I would like some Dummy proof help to tie all of the components together to complete the electrical system.  Could someone walk me through this or provide a link to a diagram?  I basically need to know how to hook the battery to the motor and all in between.  Thanks a bunch.

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