Chassis / 5/8 spindle length
« on: August 21, 2021, 04:44:12 pm »
I can?t afford to buy wheels and hubs right now. I do have my from axle build 70 percent done. I need to make the kingpin spindle. I want a universal design that could potentially work with any wheel or hub combo. I would like to go with smaller wheels and tireS than most. This is a drag mower, not a racing mower governed by any rules. I need to know how long multiple spindles and the threads on them are so I can average them and turn threads on my 5/8 4140. Also, axle nut threads that are common. I asked e.c. If they would tell me what their 6 inch wheels and hubs measurements were, so I could buy from them when I can afford to, but they said I could just buy wheels hub and 219 dollar front steer kit.