I have learned so much from this forum, I feel obligated to share some photo's of our latest build (K & G Racing-Brookland,Arkansas)
Please bear with me until I figure this photobucket thingey!
We were in a rush because our test and tune date was closing in on us fast! My poor buddy has the only mig welder in our bunch so needless to say we have been very busy! I decided to go with a completely new chasis at the last minute, so we went from grass cutter to rolling race chassis in one afternoon therefore I did not get any "BEFORE" pic's.
Here you can see the 1.25" angle we welded in for frame rails and the tranny plate we welded to it.
Here you can see the upper steering support which will utilize a 5/8 heim joint for the steering shaft. A GREAT idea from Mowman Racer
And here you can see the lower heim mount. It is mounted at a funny angle because we were making room to the right of it for a full size battery
Well thats all for today, we are through with the build so the thread should move pretty quickly next week. I am going to Memphis for the weekend but will get back to it when I get home. Dave