Hello I thought Id add some info if its ok. The South Kentucky Hot Rod Association website (skhr) that you provided is still up however the pulling group has been disbanded or gone for smoe time. 3 to 4 years is what I was told but there are others like Commonwealth Pullers, Sugar Creek Pullers, Grayson County Pulling Association, North Central Kentucky, and of course NQS those are most of the pulling groups in Kentucky. I just didnt want anyone to build to SKHR tech and not be able to pull with them. I do believe that some of the BFA Pullers still pull but youll have to contact them and see. You can find a direct link to the BFA store from the SKHR website and in the contact us section contact them to find out its been a while since I talked to them but they were the ones that informed me about the skhr. Ive found if you build to NQS tech thet most of the groups in KY have very close to the same rules for most of there classes with the exception being the tires and the way the weights are hung. Thanks Josh